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Singapore Buddhist Calendar
2024 AD ( 2568 BE ) ACTIVITIES
March 2024
Mar 01 | By Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery | Short-term Retreat Short-term Retreat

Amid the chaos of today's hectic pace, have you taken a moment to calm your inner thoughts? If you desire a deeper understanding of yourself and wish to embark on a journey of self-discovery, consider immersing yourself in a short-term retreat. This allows you to embrace a peaceful, detached lifestyle, allowing yourself to explore the deep corners of your mind.
If you are:
Singapore male citizen
Between the ages of 17 and 60
In good physical and mental health
Able to commit to at least one month to a year of retreat
KMSPKS welcomes you to our zen and peaceful environment to deepen your cultivation.
How To Apply
Interested applicants should complete the application form along with their resume and submit it to . Upon receipt, we will review your application and contact you within a couple of weeks.
In this noisy world, have you ignored the voice deep within? Want to pursue a deeper inner awareness and embark on a journey of self-exploration?
Through a short-term retreat, you can experience a pure and detached lifestyle and re-understand your deep and pure inner self.
If you meet the following conditions:
Singaporean male citizen
Age 17 to 60 years old
physical and mental health
Able to maintain a retreat for at least one month to one year
Guangmingshan Pujue Zen Temple welcomes you to deepen your practice through the Zen and quiet environment of the temple.
how to apply
Interested applicants please fill out this application form and send it with your resume to . Once we receive your application, we will review it and contact you within a few weeks.
Enquiry: 6849 5346 | Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery
All are welcome |
Mar 02 | Poh Ming Tse Temple. By Singapore Buddhist Mission |

Time & Location :02 Mar 2024, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Venue: Poh Ming Tse Temple Singapore, 438 Dunearn Rd, Singapore 289613
Registration : Online Form
Act of generosity: $10 registration fee for refreshments and administration cost
Embracing Liberation: Overcoming the Fear of Letting Go
Author: Sayalay Sujata
In the profound teachings of the Phena Sutta, the Buddha eloquently illustrates the impermanent nature of existence: form as foam, feeling as bubbles, perception as mirages, fabrications as banana trees, and consciousness as magic tricks. This wisdom invites us to gently embrace the practice of letting go.
Just as peeling the layers of a banana tree reveals the exquisite beauty of emptiness, embracing this process brings forth carefreeness, ease, and joy. Yet, for many of us on the spiritual path, the greatest hurdle in letting go is the fear of the unknown, the "what ifs," and "what's next." It requires courage, understanding, and faith to transcend these barriers.
Sayalay Sujata is a Singaporean Buddhist nun who started her career in the banking and finance sector but decided to embark on a spiritual journey after the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Since then, she has had the privilege of studying with great masters from various countries and traditions, which has enriched her spiritual journey immensely. Sayalay also underwent monastic and meditation training in Myanmar for more than a decade, which further deepened her understanding of Buddhism.
Currently, she serves as the spiritual advisor for Nanyang Technological University Buddhist Society and Buddhist Fellowship Youth, where she shares her knowledge and experience with the younger generation. Her passion for serving the community inspired her to pursue a Master's Degree in Counselling at the National Institute of Education. She also volunteers as a counsellor at Kong Meng San's Counselling Social Services and Dot Connection Growth Centre, providing emotional support and guidance to those in need.
Sayalay aspires to help people cultivate their spiritual journey, integrating Buddhist philosophy and practices into the professional counselling framework of self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-change. By doing so, she hopes to help individuals lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.
Learning to let go of control
Author: Cheryl Goh
From concealed worries to embracing open vulnerabilities, she navigates the emotional maze of IVF. She sheds the rigid armour of societal pressures, learning to distinguish supportive whispers from doubtful echoes. Eight cycles of hope and heartbreak shape a lesson in relinquishing control. Not of the dream itself, but of the urge to dictate its outcome. Every needle prick, every surge of hormones, contributes a stroke to the canvas of resilience. She confronts the silent internal struggle, the question marked in every teardrop: "When is enough, truly enough?" Yet, solace blossoms in the quiet realization that she has given her all, bravely teetering on the edge of possibility. In this surrender, a newfound beauty unfolds—a beauty that embraces impermanence. Vulnerability, once a protective shield, transforms into a source of strength, unveiling a heart enriched with the wisdom of a lived journey. By letting go, she discovers not emptiness, but a universe of strength revealed in the cracks of vulnerability.
Let go to gain so much more
Author: Sis Phanida
Lessons from my time abroad has helped me discover that letting go doesn't imply indifference or detachment; rather, a conscious choice to free oneself from the burdens of clinging to outcomes and beliefs.
Like many forms of art, mastering the art of letting go is a journey of ongoing practice. As I continue on my path of letting go, I have found that the more i release, i create More room for abundance of peace, courage, and joy to flow into my life.
Who is Clinging On, Why ?
Author: Dr. Fong
I started my banking career at age 32 with JPMorgan as an Associate after my PhD and became a Managing Director after 7 years. This speed of promotion shows how intense I was in pursuing my career. Indeed, I was a workaholic, powering on at least 12 hours a day and 6-7 days a week. Apart from my elderly parents and husband (we have no kids), career was my everything. I was happily chugging along with the rat race, enjoying all the privileges of a good banking career. I even moved to new bank and started all over again at age 56 when many bankers my age had either retired or were actively contemplating retirement. Looking back, it was a crazy decision! But last year, I was awakened to recognize mortality due to health scares. I decided it was time to switch gears. At the same time, I realized that letting go of an identity and of all the privileges I had built up over 32 years wasn’t easy. Thus, I am extremely thankful for Buddha’s fundamental teachings on the Three Universal Truths, Four Noble Truths, Eightfo
ld Path, and Twelve Links of Dependent Origination, etc. which guide me as I constantly question – Who is Clinging On? Why? What Is The Purpose of Life? Why Am I Here? Who Am I? What Is Life After Death? Meditating on these questions and facing my defiled self helps me to reset my goal in life. I am reading David Brooks’ “The Second Mountain – The Quest for a Moral Life”, and I look forward to an exciting time climbing my own Second Mountain.
Gratitude that brings us Happiness !
Author: Sis Priscilla
When a family crisis struck, I decided that while this is a traumatic experience, it doesn't have to stay as a trauma in my life.
My decision on the onset to get something positive out of this experience really helped me weather and break the ceiling to find success.
I don't want to be a superwoman, I want to be a water bear. A story on resilience, hope and faith
Author: Sis Joey
Gain inspiration on how you can tap into the power of the Buddhist faith to gain inner strength to overcome life hardships and turn them into opportunities for personal growth and happiness. An abrupt health event in my 30s affected my mobility and "forced" me to let go of my ideal career, my duty as the 'perfect' mum, daughter and even my dignity. Stripped of all conventional identities, I embarked on a search and found my inherent self-worth based on the wise teachings of the Buddha.
If you are curious about the book title, water bears can survive in a -134 degree Celsius environment and even in outer space, making them the most resilient creatures on Earth! Although the term sounds invincible, let's not forget that ‘superwoman’ is just a myth.
Joey is in her late 30s and was a civil servant in the social sector for 13 years before making a career switch to be a self-employed digital marketer. She has a school-going child and has got herself certified in early childhood teaching due to her innate love for children, on top of nature and animals. Joey sees the world with refreshed eyes, different perspectives and renewed Buddhist faith after the diagnosis of a genetic illness.
Breathe Out, Breathe in… Seek Joy Within
Author: Chrissie Tan
- Having experienced 3 tragedies before the age of 40; 1. Acute Myloid Leukemia diagnosed in 2006, bone marrow transplant in 2007 2. Passing of Mother in 2009 after battling colon cancer for 3 years. 3. Father died of heart attack 5 years later.
- How does one find positivity and courage to move?
- How does one find peace and joy again?
- Let’s embark on a healing journey with Chrissie, learn the art of letting go as she shares interesting stories and tips on “how to breathe”.
- Cancer survivor
- Entrepreneur - transport company for wheelchair-bound passengers. Sold the business after 10 years
- Taught at Sunday School for children at Buddhist Fellowship 2009-2014
- Mindfulness and Yoga instructor since 2010
- Avid golfer and ceramic potter
Crystal Ball
Author: Gladys
Stories of love, heart ache and betrayal. Listen to her many stories from her work that will inspire you! From the vast experience of Khema; do come and ask! Ask and discover tips and techniques to transform your deepest fear and secrets. Or Simply learn to breathe and enjoy. Lets go!
Khema So facilitates clients to have a better understanding of their inner world and resources. Trained as a special education teacher, psychologist and counsellor spanning over 30years. Her light-hearted and supportive facilitative style has helped children, adults, and seniors to transform their cognitive distortions, anxiety, depression and relationship issues into one of love, joy and freedom.
She obtained a Master of Arts (Psychology) from the University of Sydney and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Satir Systemic Brief Therapy.
When she retires, she sees herself in a cruise ship providing readings with a crystal ball.
All are welcome |
Mar 03 | BF West , Yeo's Building. By Buddhist Fellowship | Ayya Upekkha Dhamma Tour

BF West Centre : Yeo's Building, 2 Telok Blangah Street 31, #02-00, Singapore 108942
BF East Centre : Mitra @ Orion Building, 160 Paya Lebar Road, #08-03, Singapore 409022
Website :

All are welcome |
Mar 10 to Apr 28 | By KWAN YIN CHAN LIN ZEN Singapore | 一百零二期 禅修课程 102nd Zen Meditation Course 2024 March 2024 to April 2024

日期 | Date : 三月 March 10, 17, 24; 四月 April 7, 21, 28.
Each course consists of 6 lessons, which are held over 6 Sunday afternoon.
时间 | Time : 14:30 - 17:00
每堂课大概是两个半小时。 The duration of each session is about two-and-a-half hours.
地点 | Venue : Kwan Yin Chan Lin Zen Meditation Centre, 21 Lorong 25 Geylang, Singapore 388299
报名截止日期 | Registration Deadline : 名额有限,请提早报名 Limited seats, please register early.
This form comprised of 11 essential questions, 3 relevant questions, and 3 declarations.
Please complete the form fully.
费用 | Cost : S$120
This amount will be used to cover a part of the costs of these sessions.
Should you wish to present a gift of donation to the Meditation Centre at any time; We would be grateful to you for practicing giving.
付款 | Payment :
一旦您的报名被确定了,禅林将会与您联系。 确定了之后,请付款以成功完成报名过程。
You will hear from us once your registration is confirmed. Please pay to complete the registration process successfully and finalise your participation.
Registration form : Form
内容 | Content:
* 什么是禅? | What is Zen?
* 禅宗公案 | Zen Kong-an
* 坐禅 | Sitting Meditation
* 行禅 | Walking Meditation
* 禅游 | Breathing Exercise
* 小参 | Interview
继闻法师是观音禅林旗下禅中心的开山主持。 他因突破禅修以及禅宗公案,在一九九八年得到崇山大师的印可,正式以禅宗指导法师的身份教导禅修。
Guiding Teacher :
Venerable Chi Boon JDPS @ Gye Mun Sunim is the Founding Abbot of Meditation Centres under Kwan Yin Chan Lin Zen ("KYCL Zen"). He received public seal (1998) from the late Great Master Seung Sahn for break through in Zen practice and its tradition of kong-an, and officially teach Zen practice as Ji Do Poep Sa ("JDPS") i.e. Guiding Teacher of the Dharma. v
You may find more information on our website:
请遵守以下共修礼仪 | Kindly observe the following etiquette as we practice together:
a)一起开始禅修 b) 一起结束禅修,不要提早离开 c) 圆满出席每堂课
正确服装 :
a) 请穿宽松和保守的灰色或白色上衣,b)搭配灰色宽松长裤 , c)米色, 棕色和黑色等中性颜色都可以接受,但不鼓励使用。
a) Arrive to begin together, b) Leave together, not earlier than others, c) Be present for all sessions
Proper attire -
a) Please wear a loose and discreet top in grey or white, b) Pair with loose and long pants in grey,
c) Neutral colours such as beige, brown, and black are acceptable but not encouraged.
If you decide to drop-out before the first session, please graciously inform us well before commencement and provide a reason.
This gives timely opportunity to others on the waiting list to practice and benefit from it.
询问: 如有任何疑问,请电邮给:
Enquiry : Please email any query to:
All are welcome |
Mar 10 | By Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery | Sitting Meditation Group Practice 禅坐共修

Date 日期: 10 Mar 2024 (Sunday) 2024年3月10日 (星期日)
Time 时间: 1.30pm to 3.30pm 下午1时30分至3时30分
Venue 地点: Ven. Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 4, Hall of No Form
Fee 费用: Free 免费
Note 备注: For ages 12 and above only 只限12岁或以上参加
Online Registration 线上报名:
Registration Deadline 报名截止日期: 8 Mar 2024 2024年3月8日 (or when fully registered 额满为止)
Enquiry 询问: 6849 5346 |
All are welcome |
Mar 10 | BF West , Yeo's Building. By Buddhist Fellowship | Luang Puu Inthawai Dhamma Tour Singapore 2024

BF West Centre : Yeo's Building, 2 Telok Blangah Street 31, #02-00, Singapore 108942
BF East Centre : Mitra @ Orion Building, 160 Paya Lebar Road, #08-03, Singapore 409022
Website :

All are welcome |
Mar 16 to Mar 17 | BF West , Yeo's Building. By Buddhist Fellowship | Bhante Santacitto March Special

BF West Centre : Yeo's Building, 2 Telok Blangah Street 31, #02-00, Singapore 108942
BF East Centre : Mitra @ Orion Building, 160 Paya Lebar Road, #08-03, Singapore 409022
Website :

All are welcome |
Mar 29 to Mar 31 | By Vipassana Meditation Centre Singapore | 3-day Vipassana Meditation Day Retreat

VMC is organizing a 3-day Vipassana Meditation Day Retreat from March 29 to 31, 2024.
Please register by clicking on the link below.
For any enquiry, please WhatsApp to Sis. Rose at 9199 5477.
Facebook :
All are welcome |
April 2024
Apr 10 & Apr 13 | By Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha (NDR) | AJAHN KUSALO

Teachings will be held at Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha (NDR)
Address: 24 Lor 29 Geylang, #04-00, Singapore 388073
10 APRIL (Wed, Hari Raya PH)
🛐 A Simple Life : 1 Day Retreat, 8am to 5pm
Please register for retreat :
Meal Dana, 10.30am
Please prepare food by 10am
13 APRIL (Sat)
Meal Dana, 10.30am
Please prepare food by 10am
Family Dhamma Q&A, 1pm
All are welcome |
Apr 27 to Apr 28 | BF East Centre. By Buddhist Fellowship | 𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐋 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐁𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐃𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐀

𝐁𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞 𝐀𝐝𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐨 from Indonesia is back in Singapore!
Never meditated but want to learn?
Have you been meditating but have problems?
Feel like life is already difficult, but still surrounded by people who make things difficult?
Want to know how to elegantly deal with difficult people?
Well, there is an opportunity in April to get acquainted with the practice of meditation, practice together and listen to Dhammadesana which will be delivered by Bhante Adhiratano Thera.
Maximize your weekend to recharge and rejuvenate yourself with the priceless Dhamma.
Don't miss it!
Date: 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝟐𝟕 𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
Time: 𝟗 𝐚𝐦 - 𝟓 𝐩𝐦 𝐒𝐆𝐓 (𝐆𝐌𝐓+𝟖)
Venue: 160 Paya Lebar Road #08-03 Orion BuildingSingapore 409022
1-DAY MINDFULNESS RETREAT – Retreat in Bahasa Indonesia only
The Retreat led by Bhante Adhiratano Thera will be conducted in Bahasa Indonesia only.
Registration for the meditation retreat closes on 24th Apr 2024 or when places are taken up.
Date: 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝟐𝟖 𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
Time: 𝟐 𝐩𝐦 – 𝟒 𝐩𝐦 𝐒𝐆𝐓 (𝐆𝐌𝐓+𝟖)
Venue: 2 Telok Blangah Street 31 #02-00 Yeo’s Building Singapore 108942
INDONESIAN SERVICE – Dhamma talk in Bahasa Indonesia
“𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑡 𝑃𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐿𝑖𝑓𝑒”
See you at BF East for retreat and BF West for Indonesian Service!
Donations to defray the costs of running the retreat and Bhante’s tickets and expenses to Singapore are appreciated. We thank you for your generosity.
BF West Centre : Yeo's Building, 2 Telok Blangah Street 31, #02-00, Singapore 108942
BF East Centre : Mitra @ Orion Building, 160 Paya Lebar Road, #08-03, Singapore 409022
Website :

All are welcome |
Apr 28 | By Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery | 2024 Hair for Hope

Demonstrate the virtues of love and compassion in Buddhism!
Join us at the 2024 Hair for Hope (HfH) @ KMSPKS on 28 April 2024. Organised by Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF), HfH is the only head-shaving campaign in Singapore that serves to raise childhood cancer awareness and funds. Every shaven head represents an understanding by an individual of the ordeals that a child with cancer is subjected to.
To support this cause, kindly pre-register online by 22 April 2024, 5pm. Walk-in registrations are accepted on the event day. However, it will only be confirmed after verification by a CCF staff at the counter. All slots are assigned on a first-come-first-served basis.
More details 更多详情:
All are welcome |
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