Venerable Phrakhrusamu Suthep Chinawaro, is a Thai tradition monk & meditation teacher from Northern Thailand. He is the Abbot of Wat Poemdhammajumreon, Chantaburi, Thailand. He was ordained in 1988 as one of the last disciples of Luangpor Teean Jittasubho, a great Thai meditation master.
Ajahn intensively practiced vipassana meditation under the guidance of Luangpor Teean whereby he later developed Buddhalela Mahasati, an extension of the traditional Luangpor Teeanā's Sati meditation technique. This technique basically follows the Luangpor's movements of being mindful of breathing, walking & hand movements.
Ajahn speaks Thai, English & Lao. His expertise is in mindfulness meditation, scriptural studies, meditation for children & senior citizens. He conducts regular Dhamma Teachings Tour & Meditation Retreats in Thailand, Malaysia , Singapore and many has benefited from his insightful