Dr. Sayâdaw U Silânanda is currently the Chancellor of the International Theravâda Buddhist Missionary University in Yangon. He is the abbot of Dhammânanda Vihâra,in California and the spiritual director of the Theravada Buddhist Society of America, Dhammachakka Meditation Center and the Tathagata Meditation Center of San Jose. He is also one of the three spiritual directors of the renowned Mahasi Meditation Center in Yangon. He teaches Vipassanâ Meditation, Abhidhamma and other aspects of Theravadian Buddhism in English, Burmese, Pâli and Sanskrit. He conducted meditation retreats throughout the USA, Mexico, Argentina, Japan, Europe and Asia.
Venerable Sayadaw was conferred the Doctorate of Philosophy by the Yangon University in 2000. In 1993, he was awarded the "Aggamahâpandita" title by the Burmese religious authorities and was conferred the title of "Aggamahâsadhamma Jotika" in 1999.
He also holds two Dhammâcariya degrees and has taught at the Athithokdayone Pâli University. He was an External Examiner at the Department of Oriental Studies, University of Art and Sciences in Mandalay, Myanmar.
Sayâdaw was the Chief Compiler of the Tipitaka Pâli-Burnmese Dictionary and one of the distinguished editors of the Pâli Canon and associated Commentaries at the Sixth Buddhist Council, which was held in Rangoon from 1954 – 1956.
Sayâdaw had written several Buddhist books, of which, three are in English. The English books are "The Four Foundations of Mindfulness", "Volition – An Introduction to the Law of Kamma", "No Inner Core – An Introduction to the Doctrine of Anatta".
Dr. Sayâdaw U Silânanda accompanied the Late Most Venerable Mahasi Sayâdaw to the USA in April 1979. During this visit, the Late Venerable assigned the task of spreading the Dhamma in the US to Sayâdaw U Silananda and Sayâdaw U Kelasa. Since then Sayâdaw U Silânanda has been staying in the US to carry out this noble task.
Some of the books/articles written by the Venerable available on-line are:-
An Introduction To The Law of Kamma
The Happiest Year Ever
The Four Foundations of Mindfulness
Is Theravada Buddhism for Arahantship Only?
Introduction to Vipassana
Questions and Answers
Meditation Instructions
A talk on Kamma, Rebirth, and Suffering
Note: NO INNER CORE - ANATTA and An Introduction To The Law of Kamma are also available here.
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