(01) From : Jenny Fan
e-mail : jennyfan@pacific.net.sg
Country : Singapore
Date : January 05, 2000
Comments : I enjoyed your Home Page and find it very interesting. I
spent almost 3 hours to go through all your infomation provided in your
page. Well done and keep it up.
(02) From : Yulia Lin
e-mail : yulia_lin@yahoo.com.sg
Country : Preston Univ-Wyoming, USA
Date : January 24, 2000
Comments : I am so glad to read your home page because this is what I
want to improve my knowledge about my religion. Peace forever!
(03) From : David Collins
e-mail : bodhidave@excite.com
Homepage : http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Fuji/4024/ccp.html
Country : USA
Date : February 27, 2000
Comments : What a very pleasant site! Thank you. I am an American
Buddhist and found your site from the Dharma Ring. I liked the cards so
much, I stayed to send one to a friend. Thank you again.
(04) From : Aveline Cheong
e-mail : avecheong@yahoo.com
Country : Singapore
Date : March 04, 2000
Comments : I got to know of your web page from the Buddhist Graduate
Fellowship website......I am a buddhist, obviously and I graduate from Ngee
Ann Poly and was a member of the Ngee Ann Poly Buddhist Society....Your web
is very good !!
(05) From : Rick Lin
e-mail : inlin31@hotmail.com
Country : Taiwan
Date : March 30, 2000
Comments : I am Rick Lin, a Buddhist live in Taiwan, R.O.C.! I am a
volunteer for a Buddhist Publication company. This publication company has
established for seven years. This publication company publishes a series of
Buddhist book, magazine, and produce Buddhist Drama every year. Now I am
translating a book about how to mediation into English, therefore I might
need someone help me do proofreading, so it can conform to foreigner's
wording. Our drama would perform abroad, if you would like help me do
proofreading, I would like to present our Buddhist magazine and drama ticket
for my thanks to you. You can contact with me by E-mail or other convenient
ways. I believe if we have opportunity to be friend in this life, no matter
where you live on earth, we certainly would conta
(06) From : Graeme Bailey
e-mail : gabailey@optusnet.com
Country : Australia
Date : April 06, 2000
Comments : I am 50 years old and became a Buddhist almost three years
ago. My wife and I have been to Singapore three times and would like to
return soon.It is beautiful and unusual and I found it interesting.
(07) From : Sue Toppin
e-mail : suetop@caribsurf.com
Country : Barbados
Date : April 24, 2000
Comments : Hi, I'm living in Barbados in the Caribbean, which sometimes
makes my Buddhist studies and practice a little difficult. Thank goodness
for the Internet! I don't know how I've missed your site before, but I was
so pleased to find it today. It's peaceful and very informative. I'll be
back. Thank you!
(08) From : Sintra Wongsono
e-mail : sintra_w@angelfire.com
Country : Indonesia
Date : April 25, 2000
Comments : I'm an 18 year old Indonesian Buddhist. Excellent! Saddhu!
I need the information about the free distributed Buddhist books or
(09) From : Rev. Tasogare Shinju
e-mail : tasogare@earthlink.net
Country : USA
Date : May 31, 2000
Comments : Welcome to Thousand Swallow Temple in Tacoma, Washington,
USA. My wife Nita and I live here with six cats. We are always easy to
reach at tasogare@earthlink.net . Happy to hear from any Buddhist regardless
of what tradition you follow. I loved the "Still Thoughts" (Jing Shi Yu).
I have copied it out so I can read it again and again. It is a treasure
to be valued. Thank you so much for including it on the website. I will be
visiting the site often to read and reread your wonderful entries.